评估报告 中英文

日期:2016-09-02 / 人气: / 来源:本站




The Written Report of Assets Evaluation


No. X the evaluation report of Puyang Zhongtai (2011)


Beijing Puyang Zhongtai Assets Evaluation Co., Ltd


The Written Report of Assets Evaluation of A

目 录Catalogue

一、评估报告声明The Statement of evaluation report............................................................. 1

二、评估报告书摘要The abstract of written report of assets evaluation................................... 3

三、评估报告书正文The body of written report of assets evaluation....................................... 7


The entrusting party, property right holder and other users of the evaluation report except for the entrusting party 7

(二)评估目的The purpose of assets evaluation .................................................................. 7

(三)评估对象和评估范围The target and scope of evaluation ........................................... 7

(四)价值类型及其定义The types of value and definitions................................................... 7

(五)评估基准日The base date of assets evaluation.............................................................. 8

(六)评估依据The basis of assets evaluation ....................................................................... 8

(七)评估方法The methods of assets evaluation.................................................................... 9

(八)评估程序实施过程和情况The implementation process and situation of the evaluation procedure 10

(九)评估假设The hypothesis of assets evaluation............................................................... 10

(十)评估结论 The conclusion of assets evaluation.............................................................. 10

(十一)特别事项说明The special instructions....................................................................... 11 (十二)评估报告使用限制说明The instructions for use restriction of the evaluation report . 11

(十三)评估报告日The date of evalution report ................................................................. 12

(十四)评估机构及评估人员 Evaluation agency and evaluation personnel ......................... 12


The Statement of Asstes Evaluation Report for A


1. According to the basic information of assets which are mastered by the certified public valuer, the matters stated in the evaluation report should be objective.


2. The Certified public valuers not only have no existing or anticipated profits in evaluation targets,


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